Team Collaboration Mapping

Know Yourself. Know Your Team. Get Better Results.

Team Collaboration Mapping allows people to do the work that suits their capabilities.

TCM is a technique used by teams to figure out how to use the unique strengths and capabilities that individual team members have. Often a team doesn’t have insight into the roles people naturally want to play. Instead, team members are given tasks that may in fact set them up to fail. TCM not only avoids this dynamic but also provides an avenue for people to discover their strengths and capabilities –  leading to more engaged team members and a more successful and efficient team.

TCM facilitates:



“The biggest outcome for the Retirement Business using [Belbin North America’s principles] has been to give clarity to the growth strategy and focus of the division, and to gain alignment with all departments – a collaborative approach that has assisted us with bringing new products to the marketplace quicker. Our team functions much better at the strategic level – as team effectiveness has improved – so has speed to market.”

Rick Ayers
Vice President, Retirement Plans, Securian

It works in four straightforward steps.

Step 1

Each team member completes a Belbin Report, which is a verified team strengths tool that helps people to understand their strengths and weaknesses. 

Step 2

Team Collaboration Map Example

Individuals receive their Belbin reports and all reports are compiled into a Team Collaboration Map

Step 3

Woman doing Belbin elearning

Team members review a 1-hour online tutorial to explain key concepts that will help them understand their Belbin Report and Team Collaboration Map. 

Step 4

A 2-hour team workshop is held where self-guided discussions occur to help the team apply their learning and increase team effectiveness.

“I’ve engaged with Belbin North America as a supplier for almost 20 years now while at two different global, multi-sector companies where we extensively utilized [their principles] to improve our company’s internal collaboration muscle. I find their training offerings to be very relevant in meeting our needs and intended outcomes, especially in using Belbin with literally thousands of employees to help them interact better together. The team at Belbin North America is one of the most responsive and flexible I have ever worked with, besides just being a good bunch of nice people. I cannot recommend them enough for helping take your team to a higher level of performance.”

Stephen Dennis
Director, Lean & Continuous Improvement, Granite Construction Inc.

What are Belbin Team Roles?

Did you know that you cannot predict a team’s results based on its members’ individual excellence or skills? Based on more than 9 years of research into team effectiveness, Dr. Meredith Belbin from Cambridge University discovered that:

  • It is the way that individual members of a team behave – not their individual excellence – that contributes to or detracts from a team’s effectiveness

Meredith Belbin’s research showed that the most successful teams were made up of a diverse mix of behaviors. To build high-performing teams, we need to represent each of the nine Belbin Team Role behaviors at the appropriate times.

The Nine Team Roles are:



Feel free to connect with us for any questions.

Introducing Team Collaboration Mapping

A Cost-Effective, DIY approach To Team Effectiveness.

Four straightforward steps. Starting At Only $800 Per Team.

Team Collaboration Mapping Four Steps

Know Yourself. Know Your Team. get better business results.

Lindsay Lalla

Lindsay Lalla is the VP of Marketing and Client Support for Belbin North America. Most recently, she has been spearheading the introduction of the Belbin Team Role methodology into North America. Lindsay is a skilled facilitator, and also runs the Belbin Accreditation classes where she certifies others in the Belbin method.
Lindsay’s formal education is in instruction and performance. Combined with her 17 years of adult education experience, she brings a depth of understanding in how to deliver the highly experiential workshops that are a hallmark of the Belbin North America approach to education and organizational development.

Patrick Ballin

Patrick offers more than 25 years of experience with some of the most successful businesses in Europe as a consultant, change manager and executive coach.

He has helped many well-known organisations to get their ideas and projects off the ground by working with business leaders and their teams to optimise interaction, strategy and execution.
Patrick was Global Head of Supply Chain and Logistics Development for The Body Shop, an international retailer of ethical health and beauty products, and managed its change programme across 52 countries. In 2009, he set up the national redundancy coaching service, Rework, for the UK industry charity, Retail Trust. Patrick spent his earlier career with ACWL Group, one of the pioneering UK Apple Centres, where he was a divisional Director.
He holds an MA in Natural Sciences from the University of Cambridge, is a Visiting Lecturer for Brighton Business School, a Fellow of the RSA and coach for social enterprise incubator On Purpose.

Max Isaac

Max is the CEO of 3Circle Partners. He brings a depth of knowledge and experience from his career in general management and consulting in North America, England, Europe and Asia.
Max has assisted CEOs and senior leaders within client organizations with the design and implementation of Interaction Planning processes, team based organizational development programs and Lean Six Sigma initiatives.
Prior to moving into the field of organizational development, Max was the CFO for the Retail Division within The Molson’s Organization, where he took a lead role in growing the business to over $1 billion in revenues, doubling its size in four years through acquisitions and internal growth.
Max is co-author of Close The Interaction Gap, The Third Circle – Interactions That Drive Results, Setting Teams Up for Success and A Guide to Team Roles. He is also the contributing author of the Organizational Change sections of Mike George’s books Lean Six Sigma published in May 2002 and Lean Six Sigma for Service published in June 2003. Max is a registered CPA, CA in Canada. His undergraduate degree was earned at Witwatersrand University, South Africa.